Thursday, 26 April 2012

Pictures of the Big Day

Ready to strut our stuff.

Where is the green sheep?

Mary Poppins and Little Bo

Having a good time

So as you can see, I got the kink out of my tail, ate some cheese and had another try. Here are the resulting pictures.

Book Week and Character Parade

Well the build up was all worth it. What a time they had at the character parade! It is clear the Shahieda and Beth did an amazing job of organising good weather for the big day. (well done, ladies!). Before the character parade there was the book week assembly where the new library monitors got their badges and certificates (yeah, bro!) and there was a visit from Sarah and Kristy from Avondale Library. They told about a holiday reading programme that was being offered during the holidays (all those who did the programme, post a comment so I can find out how you got on).
After morning tea everyone assembled near the flag pole. Seriously, bro, you have not seen a more awesome looking bunch of little fullas, big fullus and in-between fullas. Now, something wierd is going on when I try to download pictures of the big day to this blog. You would think that since I am a mouse I would not have problems working with a computer with a mouse, but there you go, life is full of surprises.
Which reminds me, I did not introduce myself, I am Marvin the mouse and over the holidays I moved into your library. Pretty cool place. I hide when you all come in and choose books, but I can see who loves reading and what type of books you like.
I will write more blogs, and I would love to see your comments because I am too shy to come out and see you.
Don't forget that the New Zealand Post Children's Choice Book Awards close today so get your votes in for a chance to win $500 worth of books.
Talk soon
x Marvin