Monday, 28 May 2012

New Zealand Post Book Awards

The winners have been chosen and the children of Aotearoa have made their choices and here are the winners:

Children’s Choice
Young adult                                                         
The Bridge                                            J Higgins

Junior fiction                                                       Super Finn                                            L Agnew

Picture book                                                        Cat’s pyjamas                                      C Foreman

Non-Fiction                                                          New Zealand hall of fame                 M Gill/B Potter

Overall                                                                  Cat’s pyjamas
Best first book

Super Finn                                                            L Agnew


Here are the books the grown ups liked:

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Super Finn

L Agnew

Honour book

Travelling restaurant

B Else

Picture Book



C Szekely/M Ross

Honour book

Shaolin burning

A Sang

Follow this link to find out about the child from Te Puke who won $500 worth of books and about the author who wrote the winning book.
Which books would you buy if you had $500?

Thanks for your participation everybody.
Keep those comments coming.
x Marvin

Samoan Language Week

Talofa tamaiti. Hope you have been listening carefully to the new phrases the non-Samoan speakers have been learning during the notices in the morning. I have been noticing that the staff and many of you good looking children have been coming into the library all dressed up in special Samoan clothes. I am a mouse and although I have been to nearly all the $2 shops in this area, I cannot find myself a lei to fit. Not to mention a lava lava. Anyway I won't complain because I have been enjoying my favourite coconut buns (pani popo) to celebrate. There are some exciting activities planned for lunch times this week, so pop in and check them out. The library also has a great selection of Samoan books, so if you are learning or are a really fluent speaker, there is something for you!!
For your entertainment here is a video showing some of Samoa's beauty and cool music.

See you all,
Tofa soifua