Monday, 28 May 2012

New Zealand Post Book Awards

The winners have been chosen and the children of Aotearoa have made their choices and here are the winners:

Children’s Choice
Young adult                                                         
The Bridge                                            J Higgins

Junior fiction                                                       Super Finn                                            L Agnew

Picture book                                                        Cat’s pyjamas                                      C Foreman

Non-Fiction                                                          New Zealand hall of fame                 M Gill/B Potter

Overall                                                                  Cat’s pyjamas
Best first book

Super Finn                                                            L Agnew


Here are the books the grown ups liked:

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Super Finn

L Agnew

Honour book

Travelling restaurant

B Else

Picture Book



C Szekely/M Ross

Honour book

Shaolin burning

A Sang

Follow this link to find out about the child from Te Puke who won $500 worth of books and about the author who wrote the winning book.
Which books would you buy if you had $500?

Thanks for your participation everybody.
Keep those comments coming.
x Marvin


  1. Hi Marvin you cheeky mouse, your library books should be shared, we are allowed to touch your books. From Leilani

  2. Hey Leilani
    Yes, I suppose you are allowed to read them..... just make sure your hands are clean!
    Happy reading
    Love Marvin
